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Coding Models

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2023 10:33 am
by Rubie-(DOG)-
I'm still looking for someone who is able to code a monster for me , it is now years i'm looking out and don't find a coder, Gopostal did it in the past for me but forgot to sent it and by time lost it :frown: I did see a demo Gopostal did make from it on Youtube and it looked AWESOME
Anyone in here can do this , I have the skeletal mesh,Textures and the frames but it need to be reworked in Blender,MilkShape or a similar program ...
I have also the original script but it isn't working for Unreal as the script has been made for Rune and that behaves totally different
I can only do tiny things as coder , if it work I'm lucky if it doesn't I'm stuck forever lol.
White colored
Brown Colored

This is it there are more textures for it like brown and also there is a chained on that looks even more spectacular if he breakouts !
I would like to compile it as a Boss to replace the Titan sometimes as we did beat that Titan so many times now after more than 25 years that would be a welcomed Boss for Unreal hehe.
So if anyone can do it let me know THX !