Character Theories 6

Theories related to UNREAL, e.g. characters, items, weapons, places,...
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Character Theories 6

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »


I am happy to bring my theories back to life after a huge hiatus! I will begin my revisit by talking about the characters in the game.

We will start now!

Thomas Jean-Jacques Dante:
Dante Character Theory.jpg
Birthplace: Verdun, France

Thomas Jean-Jacques Dante is a French former Marine and current wrongly-accused prisoner of the Vortex Rikers. He was captured by the UMS, and they assumed that he was the killer of the former CEO of Omega Storm. This incident happened after he retired from the French Marine Corps by three weeks to return back and take care of his only child: Anna Dante. What Dante is unconscious about is that one of his former mates tried to stop the UMS while Dante was running away from the UMS Forces but Dante's mate died from severe gunshot wounds. Dante, on the other hand, was not able to reach the dropship the French Marines have provided for him due to wounds and rocket blasts from the UMS Forces. Eventually, the UMS Forces captured him as a prisoner and held him at one of the functional prison vessels: UMS 481 Onyx Leviathan. The uniform depicted in the table is the recruitment uniform the French Marine Corps has provided for Dante that he wore to regain memories of his service to the French Marine Corps. The real culprit who assassinated the CEO is still unknown to this day for the UMS after they found out they picked the wrong person who has recorded no crimes in his life.

Ivanovich Novak Kuznetsov:
Ivan Character Theory.jpg
Birthplace: St. Petersburg, Russia

Ivanovich Novak Kuznetsov is a Serbo-Russian Inuit research scientist who helped Kira and her members escape unharmed from the ISV-Kran crash. He also defended the facilities of the Kran using the left-over ASMD Rifles and Stingers from all munitions he and his crew could find. He and two of his crew members guided the rest of the survivors to an exit only the crew knows of and not the Skaarj. When the Skaarj arrived, Ivan was able to fend off most Skaarj until his ASMD jammed and was about to shock him; however, with sheer luck, Ivan was able to throw the jammed ASMD into the remaining Skaarj warriors and electrocuted them. Unbeknownst to Ivan, he found himself in an unused prototype scout vessel. He wanted to let the two members get aboard with him, but only one was able to get aboard due to an accident involving an earthquake that made one of the Inuit panels crush the other unfortunate member. Ivan and his only remaining member drifted off back to Kraneros, Gryphon-4A's moon, where an auxiliary Inuit base was stationed there for any emergencies within an operation or set of operations.

Greyson Liam Carter:
Carter Character Theory.jpg
Birthplace: San Diego, California

Greyson Liam Carter was a former bartender of a recently closed-down bar, and was a serial killer who was known for killing one of Inuit's founders - Hector "Chechako" McDouglas - by poisoning his food the night before a ceremony took place that involved the celebration of Chechako's membership with Izanagi. The ceremony was established by Kaijin Sikajin Bushitzo of the Izanagi Corporation, who was also poisoned by Carter but luckily survived due to fast medical attention. Carter's deficiency involving a ruptured DNA code that mutilated the tissues of his lower left leg forced him to install a prosthetic leg in order to move. When the UMS caught attention at Carter, they enforced him to the Vortex Rikers, where he was feared by many prisoners for his constant angered expression marked on his face. The dark blue marks in his face were the number of people he poisoned as a celebration for his achievement. After the last transport of the prisoners to an unknown prison moon, Gryphon-4A caused the ship to spiral down to the falls of the Nali Goddess of Love and Lust, NyLeve. He was Prisoner 517 in a cell above Gina H. Robert's cell to her right, by which the light panel fell to a hanging point and bashed Carter's head as a last resort after his body was forcefully pushed around the cell and into the plasma cell that electrocuted him as well.


Best Regards,
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Last edited by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- on Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Theories 6

Post by VooDoo-(DOG)- »

Really glad you rekindled the Theories Serpentine!
This is really well presented and makes for good reading. I particularly like this information about Carter :-
The dark blue marks in his face were the number of people he poisoned as a celebration for his achievement.
Now that's dark!

Looking forward to future installments. :dog:

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Re: Character Theories 6

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »


Do not worry, Voo! I will work on another as soon as I'm done with a few assignments today (only if possible).

Best Regards!
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