map fixes

post any map related problems you should find / description of map-fixes
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Re: map fixes

Post by strategy-(DOG)- »

since it is obvious that i'm responsible for rubi's bad mood, i'd like to state a note on this:

it is not true, that your work has not been appreciated nor that i would have shown no respect for it! i was very thankful for every single mapfix you did - i told you every time and by now you fixed several maps. even maps, where people like smirftsch said, there were so many errors in it, that it will be really a tough job to fix all problems, you could fix - remembering the alternate end you worked out on "alien3" - of course many players who are used to the old version will wonder, why the final gate won't open as they expected - but you did a really great job on that and i was very happy with your work and support!
same as with map "strange6" you worked out an alternate ending and tried to resolve all bugs in that map! great work indeed, but: the only thing i mentioned was - why did you change the ladders? we were used to run up the ladders, now we are forced to jump from rung to rung - and you know there are several ladders in that map. i just asked you, what the sense of this should be, and you replied, you wanted to make it more "realistic". well, i said, that this would not improve gameplay and if there are 5 players waiting for every single one to hop up that ladders, i really don't see a lot of fun..... BUT, i said, i can live with that! i did not ask you to change it back!! your reaction on this (and the fact that i did not notice a new rock you placed in the surrounding area) made you write an email to me and accused me a person, who "looks to the map as a dummie" (your words! note: "dummie" is not an english word, but you meant "fool" derived from the german word "dumm") and that "i need to accept that mappers are not players, they are profs...!". well, i replied to you, that you might not notice, but you start to become arrogant and this forced you to write an open email to various people in the unreal-world, complaining about me (still see no reason, why you think that people like zombie etc. should be interested in our childish discussion..... sigh!)

since you see yourself as a "professional" mapper, you should be able to handle some critics. and just because of the fact i was not very happy with the new ladders, but with EVERYTHING ELSE, you should easily see there is nothing that should bring you up.

yet i still don't understand your reactions. you think you'd not receive respect from me? that's not true at all! i know that i am not easy to take and you are way too sensitive, yet i always tried to be very careful how to treat you. to close this chapter: i am very thankful for all your work and mapfixes and your contribution is highly appreciated, but i'm an honest man and i won't say what people might want me to say, if it is not according to my personal oppinion.

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Re: map fixes

Post by strategy-(DOG)- »

great work indeed! :)
thank you very much!

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