The Blessing of an Old Friend

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The Blessing of an Old Friend

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

I have been going through stress...
Today marks the last day of school, and we're having the mid-year vacation started. I felt more rested than ever; however, I had to go through fear and anger. I was anxious of losing my aunt who is unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer, and I keep praying that the cancer in her will be devastated. I was also angry because a former colleague I trusted from 8-9 years ago started to betray me with jokes. He started calling me names that I wish I would NEVER hear, and I warned him to stop this cretinous act, but he insisted to do that to get on my nerves.

I have been patient with the massacre that I witnessed myself, and I was internally chanting "Get out of this massacre! I do not deserve to be treated like some type of filth in the ground!" I keep praying to God that everything will be alright, and I patiently wait for an answer. Fortunately the Almighty himself provided me a path I began to feel blessed in.

Remember the post "2018: The Year of Partial Disappointment" that involved a person whom I called as "Selina" in order to respect her own privacy and that she didn't want to talk with me anymore? She returned back to me to start a new page in order to become an essential best friend like how she is now, and I never felt more happy than when a person really returns back to make your day better without they even notice. I told her everything about the stress, and I told her that she plays an essential role in making someone smile. She relieved me from this massacre by a surprise I didn't really know would happen, and I am happy that this surprise happened.

I will always thank God himself first before thanking my best friend.
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