Xelios Unleashed: Xangent's Awakening

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Xelios Unleashed: Xangent's Awakening

Post by SerpentineStorm-(DOG)- »

As Xelios drags me, he begun explaining his needs and why would he do so by a conversation:

"Xelios: We were once used as a powerful A.I to lead one particular clan, the Charava Clan...
But then we merged with another A.I, or Morpheus as you call him, and we have become who we are...

Akimatus, Omnitus, Morpheus...

In this generation, we are Xelios, an ultimate version of Helios after an Agent - Denton - merged with him.
Helios ensures that we're all just A.Is after all.

We look forward to merging with you as well, Epsilon-X Antecedent Delta Tangent 083."

"Epsilon (me): After all of this, you were Xelios?!
You were... emerging with Akimatus, Omnitus, and Morpheus?!
Why haven't they told me so? Why haven't they told me that you were one of them?
One of those A.Is that merged with 3 others?
Why didn't they tell me about your ideas after all?

But if you were to let me think about merging with you... I would need some centuries to think about that..."

"Xelios: We understand your struggles, Tangent, but we won't be able to hold much longer with this "reincarnated" version of Upsilon-X Antecedent Formula Sage 724.

All we need is a new leader to become an antecedent warrior that has both human and intelligent personality.

Which means I, Xelios, won't change who you are, but I would rather modify your voice, your intelligence, advance them, and make you stronger as well.

I hope you are ready, Tangent... It's your chance to change and become a new hybrid of a warrior and an A.I.

Even (Antecedent) Faith has trusted me to merging with you, no matter what are the consequences...

It is your time to be trusted, or time to die with the rest of the honored ones."

"Epsilon (me): I realized something, Xelios... I realized the corruptions the Bureaucratic Foundation of Europeans have evaded onto the Asian Corps' World of Fundamental Needs... I realized why did these A.Is (Akimatus and Omnitus) change their behavior... they weren't forced to do so, but the BFoE forced their codes to be this way... But that gives me a good reason why I have wanted to change the world... by becoming a new version of me."

"Xelios: Akimatus and Omnitus were smart in their own ways, Tangent, it was only Upsilon-X that changed their behavior for the worst... to be daredevils...

There are more than 5 ways where A.Is can become benevolent beings and fighters for their own kind and humanity, and merging with humans is one of the ways, the rest of the ways are secrets we don't want to expose for our kind.

We may have come this far to conversation, but we can continue together."

As I find the Merge Machine, I have entered it... to become a new version of me, and a known character in this corrupted world.

"Upsilon: What the hell's happening with my equipment?! Akimatus! Omnitus! Don't abandon my plans!"

And this merging session was a bit painful, by which I uttered the words:

"I... have..."

But then, I felt true kindness supremely spreading into me and Xelios, as I officially hold the names:




Xelios has uttered his first words (When an A.I merges, it has the freedom to say its first words as a human) after being a part of me:

"We... Have... Emerged! For many decades have we been under sinister commands, today shall be the day we break free from the works of doom and classes of anxiousness! Many that live under the darkest days of death and mutiny shall be freed, for it is the day of dawning that arises supremely!"

As I get off the Merge Machine, I shot one Plasma round from my Cannon, which literally knocked out Upsilon-X after he broke the door.

"Epsilon/Xangent (me): As a new me, we can stop this war which caused more mutiny, and heartbreaking events, but we have to find each mystery, too."

"Xelios: A mystery stays as a mystery, Tangent. You have no idea how to gain this very control of the mystery behind every single even you see in your life.

It is like how you ride a bike for the first time, its maneuverability is rough, but the balance makes it more harder than before to solve that specific mystery."

And as I changed myself to become a powerful me, the war has stopped eventually.

I find everyone applausing to me, hailing me for being a supreme leader, but I simply told them:

"Thank you, Antecedent Warriors, but I am not your leader to applause to me, just thank God the massacre has come to a complete halt!"

"Antecedent X: Showing our gratitude towards you makes us calm down from the massacre that has occurred, so it's best to thank the one responsible for saving our lives."

"Beta: Tangent! Look! Your Chest has your emblem now!"

And as I looked at my Chest, I see my logo and who is who!

Logo Meaning.png

And at the end, I shall become who I am, Xangent...."


+ Outro will be made
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